 학과소개 교수진소개
정보보호, Ubi-Com, 통합보안
미래관 325호
고려대학교 공학박사, 와세다대학교(일본) 인간과학 박사
주요 경력
~2009. 8 경남대학교 컴퓨터공학부 전임강사
연구 분야
정보보호, Ubi-Com, 통합보안
담당 교과목
현대암호학, ;프로그래밍입문(2),컴퓨터보안,
/네트워크보안및정책, 유비쿼터스컴퓨팅특론
주요논문 및 저서
"Design and Implementation of a Framework for Building Distributed Smart Object Systems", The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI), Springer, 2010.
저널 논문
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), Editorial Board
◾ Maximizing throughput in NOMA-enable industrial IoT networks using digital twin and reinforcement learning, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH, vol.66 pp.59~70, 2024박종혁
◾ Digital Twin and federated learning enabled cyberthreat detection system for IoT networks, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS, vol.161 pp.701~713, 2024박종혁
◾ Tensor and Minimum Connected Dominating Set Based Confident Information Coverage Reliability Evaluation for IoT, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2024박종혁
◾ Leveraging application permissions and network traffic attributes for Android ransomware detection, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol.230, 2024박종혁
◾ Internet of Things for Emotion Care: Advances, Applications, and Challenges, COGNITIVE COMPUTATION, vol.16 No.6 pp.2812~2832, 2024박종혁
◾ A comprehensive survey of digital twins: Applications, technologies and security challenges, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE, vol.151, 2024박종혁
◾ Privacy-preserving and scalable federated blockchain scheme for healthcare 4.0, COMPUTER NETWORKS, vol.247, 2024박종혁
◾ CCTV Footage De-identification for Privacy Protection: A Comprehensive Survey, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.25 No.3 pp.379~386, 2024박종혁
◾ Federated Learning-Enabled Zero-Day DDoS Attack Detection Scheme in Healthcare 4.0, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.14, 2024박종혁
◾ GRU-based digital twin framework for data allocation and storage in IoT-enabled smart home networks, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS, vol.153 pp.391~402, 2024박종혁
◾ FL-CTIF: A federated learning based CTI framework based on information fusion for secure IIoT, INFORMATION FUSION, vol.102, 2024박종혁
◾ PoAh-Enabled Federated Learning Architecture for DDoS Attack Detection in IoT Networks, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.14, 2024박종혁
◾ Digital twin-assisted resource allocation framework based on edge collaboration for vehicular edge computing, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS, vol.150 pp.243~254, 2024박종혁
◾ Machine Learning-Based Reversible Chaotic Masking Method for User Privacy Protection in CCTV Environment., Journal of Information Processing Systems, 2023박종혁
◾ Lightweight Authentication Scheme for IoT based E-Healthcare Service Communication, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 2023박종혁
◾ A Comprehensive Survey on Blockchain for Secure IoT- enabled Smart City beyond 5G: Approaches, Processes, Challenges, and Opportunities, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.13, 2023박종혁
◾ A digital twin-based edge intelligence framework for decentralized decision in IoV system, Information Sciences, 2023박종혁
◾ Comprehensive Survey on AI-Based Technologies for Enhancing IoT Privacy and Security: Trends, Challenges, and Solutions, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.13, 2023박종혁
◾ Recent Trends on Smart City Security: A Comprehensive Overview, Journal of Information Processing Systems, 2023박종혁
◾ Federated Learning-based secure Electronic Health Record sharing scheme in Medical Informatics, IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS, 2023박종혁
◾ FusionFedBlock: Fusion of blockchain and federated learning to preserve privacy in industry 5.0 br, INFORMATION FUSION, vol.90 pp.233~240, 2023박종혁
◾ A Digital Twin-Based Heuristic Multi-Cooperation Scheduling Framework for Smart Manufacturing in IIoT Environment, Applied Sciences, 2023박종혁
◾ Ransomware-based Cyber Attacks: A Comprehensive Survey, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.23 No.7 pp.1557~1564, 2022박종혁
◾ The Future of Metaverse: Security Issues, Requirements, and Solutions, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.12, 2022박종혁
◾ TaLWaR: Blockchain-Based Trust Management Scheme for Smart Enterprises With Augmented Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022박종혁
◾ MetaQ: A Quantum Approach for Secure and Optimized Metaverse Environment, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.12, 2022박종혁
◾ A Blockchain-Enabled Secure Digital Twin Framework for Early Botnet Detection in IIoT Environment, SENSORS, vol.22 No.16, 2022박종혁
◾ Energy‑efficient resource allocation in blockchain‑based Cybertwin‑driven 6G, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022박종혁
◾ SecureCPS: Cognitive inspired framework for detection of cyber attacks in cyber–physical systems, Information Processing and Management, 2022박종혁
◾ A Secret Sharing-Based Distributed Cloud System for Privacy Protection, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.12, 2022박종혁
◾ CoVAC: A P2P smart contract-based intelligent smart city architecture for vaccine manufacturing, COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, vol.166, 2022박종혁
◾ Blockchain-based delegated Quantum Cloud architecture for medical big data security, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.198, 2022박종혁
◾ SecureIIoT Environment: Federated Learning Empowered Approach for Securing IIoT From Data Breach, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, vol.18 No.9 pp.6406~6414, 2022박종혁
◾ Scalable Lightweight Blockchain-Based Authentication Mechanism for Secure VoIP Communication, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.12, 2022박종혁
◾ Blockchain-Based Distributed Information Hiding Framework for Data Privacy Preserving in Medical Supply Chain Systems, SENSORS, vol.22 No.4, 2022박종혁
◾ Blockchain-based delegated Quantum Cloud architecture for medical big data security, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2022박종혁
◾ Blockchain-enabled Secure Framework for Energy-Efficient Smart Parking in Sustainable City Environment, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, vol.76, 2022박종혁
◾ OTP-Based Software-Defined Cloud Architecture for Secure Dynamic Routing, CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, vol.71 No.1 pp.1035~1049, 2022박종혁
◾ Securing Smart Cities using LSTM algorithm and lightweight containers against botnet attacks, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, vol.113, 2021박종혁
◾ A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm Based on Blockchain Heuristic Approach for Scalable and Secure Smart Logistics Systems, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.11, 2021박종혁
◾ OTS Scheme Based Secure Architecture for Energy-Efficient IoT in Edge Infrastructure, CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, 2021박종혁
◾ Homomorphic Encryption Based Privacy-Preservation for IoMT, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.11 No.18, 2021박종혁
◾ Detection of Adversarial Attacks in AI-Based Intrusion Detection Systems Using Explainable AI, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.11, 2021박종혁
◾ SNS Big Data Analysis Framework for COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction in Smart Healthy City, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021박종혁
◾ Blockchain-Based Secure Mist Computing Network Architecture for Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, vol.22 No.8 pp.5168~5177, 2021박종혁
◾ A Blockchain-Based Deep Learning Approach for Cyber Security in Next Generation Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, vol.17 No.8 pp.5522~5532, 2021박종혁
◾ Ensemble learning-based prediction of contentment score using social multimedia in education, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.80 No.26-27 pp.34423~34440, 2021박종혁
◾ BIIoVT: Blockchain-based secure storage architecture for intelligent internet of vehicular things, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol.11 No.6, 2021박종혁
◾ Deep Learning Enabled Secure IoT Handover Authentication for Blockchain Networks, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.11, 2021박종혁
◾ Deep Learning and Blockchain-Empowered Security Framework for Intelligent 5G-Enabled IoT, IEEE Access, 2021박종혁
◾ DeepBlockScheme: A Deep Learning-Based Blockchain Driven Scheme for Secure Smart City, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.11, 2021박종혁
◾ Blockchain-empowered cloud architecture based on secret sharing for smart city, JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND APPLICATIONS, 2021박종혁
◾ The Future of Quantum Information: Challenges and Vision, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.17 No.1 pp.151~162, 2021박종혁
◾ M-IDM: A Multi-Classification Based Intrusion Detection Model in Healthcare IoT, CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA, 2021박종혁
◾ Emerging ICT UAV applications and services: Design of surveillance UAVs, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.34 No.2, 2021박종혁
◾ Enhanced Image Preprocessing Method for an Autonomous Vehicle Agent System, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, vol.18 No.2 pp.461~479, 2021박종혁
◾ A Comprehensive Survey on Core Technologies and Services for 5G Security: Taxonomies, Issues, and Solutions, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.11, 2021박종혁
◾ Machine Learning Based Distributed Big Data Analysis Framework for Next Generation Web in IoT, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, vol.18 No.2 pp.597~618, 2021박종혁
◾ A Study on the Digital Forensic Investigation Method of Clever Malware in IoT Devices, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.224487~224499, 2020박종혁
◾ Quantum Communication Technology for Future ICT - Review, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.6 pp.1459~1478, 2020박종혁
◾ Algorithms, Processes, and Services for Future ICT, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.6 pp.1231~1237, 2020박종혁
◾ Cognitive scenario generation computing in the Internet of things for enterprise information systems, ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, vol.14 No.9-10 pp.1264~1278, 2020박종혁
◾ A combined network control approach for the edge cloud and LPWAN‐based IoT services, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2020박종혁
◾ Enhanced Machine Learning Algorithms: Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and Q-Learning, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.5 pp.1001~1007, 2020박종혁
◾ BlockIoTIntelligence: A Blockchain-enabled Intelligent IoT Architecture with Artificial Intelligence, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, vol.110 pp.721~743, 2020박종혁
◾ A deep learning-based IoT-oriented infrastructure for secure smart City, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, vol.60, 2020박종혁
◾ Blockchain and federated learning-based distributed computing defence framework for sustainable society, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY, vol.59, 2020박종혁
◾ Future trends of iot, 5G mobile networks, and AI: Challenges, opportunities, and solutions, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.4 pp.743~749, 2020박종혁
◾ Block5GIntell: Blockchain for AI-Enabled 5G Networks, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.145918~145935, 2020박종혁
◾ Machine Learning-Based Network Sub-Slicing Framework in a Sustainable 5G Environment, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.12 No.15, 2020박종혁
◾ Blockchain-Based Cyber Threat Intelligence System Architecture for Sustainable Computing, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.12 No.16, 2020박종혁
◾ Waiting Time Minimized Charging and Discharging Strategy Based on Mobile Edge Computing Supported by Software-Defined Network, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, vol.7 No.7 pp.6088~6101, 2020박종혁
◾ A comprehensive analyses of intrusion detection system for IoT environment, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.4 pp.975~990, 2020박종혁
◾ Post-Quantum Blockchain for a Scalable Smart City, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.21 No.4 pp.1171~1178, 2020박종혁
◾ Parameterized algorithms of fundamental NP-hard problems: a survey, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.10 No.1, 2020박종혁
◾ Distributed denial of service attacks and its defenses in IoT: a survey, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.76 No.7 pp.5320~5363, 2020박종혁
◾ Blockchain Technology Toward Green IoT: Opportunities and Challenges, IEEE NETWORK, vol.34 No.4 pp.263~269, 2020박종혁
◾ Advanced in algorithms, security, and systems for ICT convergence, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.3 pp.523~529, 2020박종혁
◾ Video transcoding scheme of multimedia data-hiding for multiform resources based on intra-cloud, JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING, vol.11 No.5 pp.1809~1819, 2020박종혁
◾ Data Transmission Direction Based Routing Algorithm for Improving Network Performance of IoT Systems, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.10 No.11, 2020박종혁
◾ Dynamic Analysis for IoT Malware Detection With Convolution Neural Network Model, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.96899~96911, 2020박종혁
◾ Advanced technologies in blockchain, machine learning, and big data, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.2 pp.239~245, 2020박종혁
◾ Adaptive resource management using many-core processing for fault tolerance based on cyber-physical cloud systems, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, vol.105 pp.884~893, 2020박종혁
◾ Wearable Computing for Defence Automation: Opportunities and Challenges in 5G Network, IEEE ACCESS, vol.8 pp.65993~66002, 2020박종혁
◾ A blockchain-based smart home gateway architecture for preventing data forgery, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.10 No.1, 2020박종혁
◾ Decrepit Building Monitoring Solution for Zero Energy Building Management Using PLC and Android Application, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.12 No.5, 2020박종혁
◾ Malware classification algorithm using advanced Word2vec-based Bi-LSTM for ground control stations, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol.153 pp.342~348, 2020박종혁
◾ Security, privacy, and efficiency of sustainable computing for future smart cities, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.16 No.1 pp.1~5, 2020박종혁
◾ Secure Secondary Authentication Framework for Efficient Mutual Authentication on a 5G Data Network, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.10 No.2, 2020박종혁
◾ Cognitive Science-Based Security Framework in Consumer Electronics, IEEE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE, vol.9 No.1 pp.83~87, 2020박종혁
◾ Secure D2D Communication for 5G IoT Network Based on Lightweight Cryptography, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.10 No.1, 2020
[원문보기] 박종혁
◾ Integration of cloud and big data analytics for future smart cities, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.6 pp.1259~1264, 2019박종혁
◾ A parallel team formation approach using crowd intelligence from social network, COMPUTERS IN HUMAN BEHAVIOR, vol.101 pp.429~434, 2019박종혁
◾ Resource Utilization Scheme of Idle Virtual Machines for Multiple Large-Scale Jobs Based on OpenStack, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.9 No.20, 2019박종혁
◾ Learning algorithms in AI system and services, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.5 pp.1029~1035, 2019박종혁
◾ BlockSecIoTNet: Blockchain-based decentralized security architecture for IoT network, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.143 pp.167~177, 2019박종혁
◾ Affective social big data generation algorithm for autonomous controls by CRNN-based end-to-end controls, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.78 No.19 pp.27175~27192, 2019박종혁
◾ A blockchain-based trusted security zone architecture, ELECTRONIC LIBRARY, vol.37 No.5 pp.796~810, 2019박종혁
◾ A Lightweight Hash-Based Blockchain Architecture for Industrial IoT, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.9 No.18, 2019박종혁
◾ Adaptive job allocation scheduler based on usage pattern for computing offloading of IoT, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, vol.98 pp.18~24, 2019박종혁
◾ Decision Tree Generation Algorithm for Image-based Video Conferencing, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.20 No.5 pp.1535~1545, 2019박종혁
◾ CIoT-Net: a scalable cognitive IoT based smart city network architecture, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.9, 2019박종혁
◾ Emerging technologies for sustainable smart city network security: Issues, challenges, and countermeasures, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.4 pp.765~784, 2019박종혁
◾ Blockchain-Based Secure Storage Management with Edge Computing for IoT, ELECTRONICS, vol.8 No.8, 2019박종혁
◾ CCTV-based multi-factor authentication system, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.4 pp.904~919, 2019박종혁
◾ Future trends of AI-based smart systems and services: Challenges, opportunities, and solutions, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.4 pp.717~723, 2019박종혁
◾ A blockchain-based decentralized efficient investigation framework for IoT digital forensics, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.75 No.8 pp.4372~4387, 2019박종혁
◾ Smart Contract-Based Pool Hopping Attack Prevention for Blockchain Networks, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.11 No.7, 2019박종혁
◾ VPNFilter Malware Analysis on Cyber Threat in Smart Home Network, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.9 No.13, 2019박종혁
◾ Blockchain-Based Secure Device Management Framework for an Internet of Things Network in a Smart City, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.11 No.14, 2019박종혁
◾ BlockDeepNet: A Blockchain-Based Secure Deep Learning for IoT Network, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.11 No.14, 2019박종혁
◾ Blockchain-Based Distributed Framework for Automotive Industry in a Smart City, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, vol.15 No.7 pp.4197~4205, 2019박종혁
◾ Distributed denial of service attacks and its defenses in IoT: a survey, The Journal of Supercomputing, 2019박종혁
◾ DeepBlockIoTNet: A secure deep learning approach with blockchain for the iot network, Sustainability, 2019박종혁
◾ A user experience environment model for human activity simulation, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, vol.96 pp.660~666, 2019박종혁
◾ SHSec: SDN based Secure Smart Home Network Architecture for Internet of Things, MOBILE NETWORKS APPLICATIONS, vol.24 No.3 pp.913~924, 2019박종혁
◾ Future trends of blockchain and crypto currency: Challenges, opportunities, and solutions, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.3 pp.1~7, 2019박종혁
◾ Cognitive scenario generation computing in the Internet of things for enterprise information systems, ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS, vol.14 No.9-10 pp.1264~1278, 2019박종혁
◾ Special Issue on Advanced Computational Technologies in Mobile Edge Computing for the Internet of Things, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, vol.6 No.3 pp.4742~4743, 2019박종혁
◾ A Unified Framework for Behaviour Monitoring and Abnormality Detection for Smart Home, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS MOBILE COMPUTING, 2019박종혁
◾ DeepCachNet: A Proactive Caching Framework Based on Deep Learning in Cellular Networks, IEEE NETWORK, vol.33 No.3 pp.130~138, 2019박종혁
◾ Video transcoding scheme of multimedia data-hiding for multiform resources based on intra-cloud, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2019박종혁
◾ Multilevel learning based modeling for link prediction and users' consumption preference in Online Social Networks, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, vol.93 pp.952~961, 2019박종혁
◾ Supervised Machine-Learning Predictive Analytics for National Quality of Life Scoring, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.9 No.8, 2019박종혁
◾ IoT and smart city technology: Challenges, opportunities, and solutions, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.2 pp.233~238, 2019박종혁
◾ Advanced IT-Based Future Sustainable Computing (2017-2018), SUSTAINABILITY, vol.11 No.8, 2019박종혁
◾ Advances in Future Internet and the Industrial Internet of Things, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.11 No.2, 2019박종혁
◾ Advanced big data analysis, artificial intelligence & communication systems, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.15 No.1 pp.1~6, 2019박종혁
◾ An improved ant colony optimization-based approach with mobile sink for wireless sensor networks, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.74 No.12 pp.6633~6645, 2018박종혁
◾ Remote Software Update in Trusted Connection of Long Range IoT Networking Integrated With Mobile Edge Cloud, IEEE ACCESS, vol.6 pp.66831~66840, 2018박종혁
◾ Semi-supervised learning based distributed attack detection framework for IoT, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, vol.72 pp.79~89, 2018박종혁
◾ SLP-MCAF: Multiple Clusters of Connected Vehicles Authentication Framework in a Smart Life Platform, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, vol.56 No.10 pp.44~49, 2018박종혁
◾ MTD-Spamguard: a moving target defense-based spammer detection system in social network, SOFT COMPUTING, vol.22 No.20 pp.6683~6691, 2018박종혁
◾ SoftEdgeNet: SDN Based Energy-Efficient Distributed Network Architecture For Edge Computing, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, vol.56 No.12 pp.104~111, 2018박종혁
◾ Blockchain based hybrid network architecture for the smart city, FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE, vol.86 pp.650~655, 2018박종혁
◾ Advanced algorithms and applications for IoT cloud computing convergence, JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, vol.118 pp.265~266, 2018박종혁
◾ Cryptographic Solutions for Industrial Internet-of-Things: Research Challenges and Opportunities, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS, vol.14 No.8 pp.3567~3569, 2018박종혁
◾ Advanced algorithms and applications based on IoT for the smart devices, JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING, vol.9 No.4 pp.1085~1087, 2018박종혁
◾ An effective handling of secure data stream in IoT, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, vol.68 pp.811~820, 2018박종혁
◾ Advances in intelligence and internet of things for human-centric computing, SOFT COMPUTING, vol.22 No.13 pp.4165~4167, 2018박종혁
◾ An efficient approach to understanding social evolution of location-focused online communities in location-based services, SOFT COMPUTING, vol.22 No.13 pp.4169~4174, 2018박종혁
◾ Li-Fi based on security cloud framework for future IT environment, HUMAN-CENTRIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.8, 2018박종혁
◾ CF-CloudOrch: container fog node-based cloud orchestration for IoT networks, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.74 No.12 pp.7024~7045, 2018박종혁
◾ DistArch-SCNet: Blockchain-Based Distributed Architecture with Li-Fi Communication for a Scalable Smart City Network, IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 2018박종혁
◾ EH-HL: Effective Communication Model by Integrated EH-WSN and Hybrid LiFi/WiFi for IoT, IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL, vol.5 No.3 pp.1719~1726, 2018박종혁
◾ OpCloudSec: Open cloud software defined wireless network security for the Internet of Things, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol.122 pp.1~8, 2018박종혁
◾ Analysis of a third-party application for mobile forensic investigation, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.14 No.3 pp.680~693, 2018박종혁
◾ A novel framework for internet of knowledge protection in social networking services, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, vol.26 pp.55~65, 2018박종혁
◾ IoT application protection against power analysis attack, COMPUTERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol.67 pp.566~578, 2018박종혁
◾ Development of A Textile Capacitive Proximity Sensor and Gait Monitoring System for Smart Healthcare, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, vol.42 No.4, 2018박종혁
◾ Traffic management in the mobile edge cloud to improve the quality of experience of mobile video, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol.118 pp.40~49, 2018박종혁
◾ Human-intelligence workflow management for the big data of augmented reality on cloud infrastructure, NEUROCOMPUTING, vol.279 No.Special SI pp.19~26, 2018박종혁
◾ Fusion algorithms and high-performance applications for vehicular cloud computing, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.74 No.3 pp.995~1000, 2018박종혁
◾ Authentications for Internet of Things Security: Threats, Challenges and Studies, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.19 No.2 pp.349~358, 2018박종혁
◾ A Hesitant Fuzzy Based Security Approach for Fog and Mobile-Edge Computing, IEEE ACCESS, vol.6, 2018박종혁
◾ A Software Defined Fog Node Based Distributed Blockchain Cloud Architecture for IoT, IEEE ACCESS, vol.6 pp.115~124, 2018박종혁
◾ Job Allocation Mechanism for Battery Consumption Minimization of Cyber-Physical-Social Big Data Processing Based on Mobile Cloud Computing, IEEE ACCESS, vol.6 pp.21769~21777, 2018박종혁
◾ Practical approaches based on deep learning and social computing, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.14 No.1 pp.1~5, 2018박종혁
◾ SpamSpotter: An efficient spammer detection framework based on intelligent decision support system on Facebook, APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, vol.67 pp.920~932, 2018박종혁
◾ A Hesitant Fuzzy Based Security Approach for Fog and Mobile-Edge Computing, IEEE Access, vol.6 pp.688~701, 2017박종혁
◾ Social network security: Issues, challenges, threats, and solutions, INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.421 pp.43~69, 2017박종혁
◾ Automatic Generation of Ortho-Photo Texture from Digital Elevation Model, JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, vol.89 pp.73~80, 2017박종혁
◾ DistBlockNet: A Distributed Blockchains-Based Secure SDN Architecture for IoT Networks, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, vol.55 No.9 pp.78~85, 2017박종혁
◾ A secure-coding and vulnerability check system based on smart-fuzzing and exploit, NEUROCOMPUTING, vol.256 No.SPECIAL SI pp.23~34, 2017박종혁
◾ An improved recommendation algorithm for big data cloud service based on the trust in sociology, NEUROCOMPUTING, vol.256 No.SPECIAL SI pp.49~55, 2017박종혁
◾ Iceberg Clique queries in large graphs, NEUROCOMPUTING, vol.256 No.SPECIAL SI pp.101~110, 2017박종혁
◾ Adaptive data rate control in low power wide area networks for long range IoT services, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE, vol.22 pp.171~178, 2017박종혁
◾ S-Detector: an enhanced security model for detecting Smishing attack for mobile computing, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.66 No.1 pp.29~38, 2017박종혁
◾ XSSClassifier: An efficient XSS attack detection approach based on machine learning classifier on SNSs, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.13 No.4 pp.1014~1028, 2017박종혁
◾ Blockchain Security in Cloud Computing: Use Cases, Challenges, and Solutions, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.9 No.8 , 2017박종혁
◾ A light-weight secure information transmission and device control scheme in integration of CPS and cloud computing, MICROPROCESSORS AND MICROSYSTEMS, vol.52 pp.416~426, 2017박종혁
◾ A shortest path planning algorithm for cloud computing environment based on multi-access point topology analysis for complex indoor spaces, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.73 No.7 pp.2867~2880, 2017박종혁
◾ CloudRPS: a cloud analysis based enhanced ransomware prevention system, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.73 No.7 pp.3065~3084, 2017박종혁
◾ Novel assessment method for accessing private data in social network security services, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.73 No.7 pp.3307~3325, 2017박종혁
◾ DTB-IDS: an intrusion detection system based on decision tree using behavior analysis for preventing APT attacks, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.73 pp.2881~2895, 2017박종혁
◾ An Energy-Efficient Virtualization-Based Secure Platform for Protecting Sensitive User Data, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.9 No.7 , 2017박종혁
◾ Energy-efficient cluster-based dynamic routes adjustment approach for wireless sensor networks with mobile sinks, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.73 pp.3277~3290, 2017박종혁
◾ XSSClassifier: An efficient XSS attack detection approach based on machine learning classifier on SNSs, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.13 No.4 pp.1014~1028, 2017박종혁
◾ Adaptive power management scheme using many-core for maximizing network topology lifetime based on ubiquitous computing, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE, vol.77 pp.63~71, 2017박종혁
◾ Radio resource management for data transmission in low power wide area networks integrated with large scale cyber physical systems, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.20 pp.1831~1842, 2017박종혁
◾ Advanced IT-Based Future Sustainable Computing, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.9 No.5 , 2017박종혁
◾ Advances in algorithm, multimedia, and network for future IT, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.13 No.2 pp.197~203, 2017박종혁
◾ EH-GC: An Efficient and Secure Architecture of Energy Harvesting Green Cloud Infrastructure, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.9 No.4 , 2017박종혁
◾ SH-SecNet: An Enhanced Secure Network Architecture for the Diagnosis of Security Threats in a Smart Home, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.9 No.4 , 2017박종혁
◾ An enhanced security framework for home appliances in smart home, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, vol.7 No.1 , 2017박종혁
◾ DFA-AD: a distributed framework architecture for the detection of advanced persistent threats, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.20 pp.597~609, 2017박종혁
◾ Advanced communications and artificial intelligence, and introduction of the JIPS AWARD 2016, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.13 No.1 pp.1~7, 2017박종혁
◾ Block-VN: A distributed blockchain based vehicular network architecture in smart city, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.13 No.1 pp.184~195, 2017박종혁
◾ Feasibility and performance analysis of RDMA transfer through PCI express, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.13 No.1 pp.95~103, 2017박종혁
◾ DIaaS: Resource Management System for the Intra-Cloud with On-Premise Desktops, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.9 No.1 , 2017박종혁
◾ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Flight Point Classification Algorithm Based on Symmetric Big Data, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.9 No.1 , 2017박종혁
◾ Crowdsensing Multimedia Data: Security and Privacy Issues, IEEE MULTIMEDIA, vol.24 No.4 pp.58~66, 2017박종혁
◾ HB-DIPM: Human Behavior Analysis-Based Malware Detection and Intrusion Prevention Model in the Future Internet, JIPS(Journal of Information Processing Systems), vol.12 No.3 pp.489~501, 2016박종혁
◾ Advanced Technologies and Applications for Security and Multimedia Computing, JIPS(Journal of Information Processing Systems), vol.12 No.3 pp.333~337, 2016박종혁
◾ Guest Editorial: Technologies and Applications for Interactive NUX/NUI, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.75 No.23 pp.15151~15156, 2016박종혁
◾ All-in-focus and multi-focus color image reconstruction from a database of color and depth image pairs, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.75 No.23 pp.15493~15507, 2016박종혁
◾ An effective locking scheme of smart multimedia devices with convenience and enhanced security, Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol.75 No.23 pp.15171~15183, 2016박종혁
◾ User Experience and Quality-of-Service in Internet of Things: Practice and Trends, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol.91 pp.1549~1554, 2016박종혁
◾ Advances in multimedia computing and security and the introduction of new senior editors, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.12 No.4 pp.549~554, 2016박종혁
◾ Efficient Resource Management Scheme for Storage Processing in Cloud Infrastructure with Internet of Things, Wireless Personal Communications, vol.91 No.4 pp.1635~1651, 2016박종혁
◾ Intelligent Security Model of Smart Phone Based on Human Behavior in Mobile Cloud Computing, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol.91 pp.1697~1710, 2016박종혁
◾ Lightweight sensor authentication scheme for energy efficiency in ubiquitous computing environments, Sensors (Switzerland), vol.16 No.12 , 2016박종혁
◾ Minimum interference channel assignment algorithm for multicast in a wireless mesh network, Sensors (Switzerland), vol.16 No.12 , 2016박종혁
◾ Energy-Efficient Distributed Topology Control Algorithm for Low-Power loT Communication Networks, IEEE ACCESS, vol.4 pp.9193~9203, 2016박종혁
◾ The Design and Analysis of a Secure Personal Healthcare System Based on Certificates, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.8 No.11, 2016박종혁
◾ Design of secure authentication scheme between devices based on zero-knowledge proofs in home automation service environments, Journal of Supercomputing, vol.72 No.11 pp.4319~4336, 2016박종혁
◾ The disclosure of evaporating digital trails respecting the combinations of Gmail and IE for pervasive multimedia, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.75 No.22 pp.14039~14055, 2016박종혁
◾ k-Cliques mining in dynamic social networks based on triadic formal concept analysis, Neurocomputing, vol.209 pp.57~66, 2016박종혁
◾ Security Scheme Based on Parameter Hiding Technic for Mobile Communication in a Secure Cyber World, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.8 No.10 pp.1~106, 2016박종혁
◾ Scenario-Based Digital Forensics Challenges in Cloud Computing, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.8 No.10 pp.1~107, 2016박종혁
◾ Location based authentication scheme using BLE for high performance digital content management system, Neurocomputing, vol.209 pp.25~38, 2016박종혁
◾ A survey on cloud computing security: Issues, threats, and solutions, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.75 pp.200~222, 2016박종혁
◾ Security Challenges in Recent Internet Threats and Enhanced Security Service Model for Future IT Environments, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.17 No.5 pp.947~955, 2016박종혁
◾ Special Issue on Entropy-Based Applied Cryptography and Enhanced Security for Ubiquitous Computing, ENTROPY, vol.18 No.9 , 2016박종혁
◾ Advanced technologies and applications for security and multimedia computing, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.12 No.3 pp.333~337, 2016박종혁
◾ FS-OpenSecurity: A Taxonomic Modeling of Security Threats in SDN for Future Sustainable Computing, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.8 No.9 , 2016박종혁
◾ A rhythm-based access control system for secure wellness services, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.72 No.7 pp.2860~2873, 2016박종혁
◾ A Reliable TTP-Based Infrastructure with Low Sensor Resource Consumption for the Smart Home Multi-Platform, SENSORS, vol.16 No.7 pp.1~1036, 2016박종혁
◾ Human-centric storage resource mechanism for big data on cloud service architecture, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.72 No.7 pp.2437~2452, 2016박종혁
◾ Optional frame selection algorithm for adaptive symmetric service of augmented reality big data on smart devices, Symmetry, vol.8 No.5 , 2016박종혁
◾ Sustainable Load-Balancing Scheme for Inter-Sensor Convergence Processing of Routing Cooperation Topology, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.8 No.5 , 2016박종혁
◾ Relative weight comparison between virtual key factors of cloud computing with analytic network process, Journal of Supercomputing, vol.72 No.5 pp.1694~1714, 2016박종혁
◾ RTNSS: a routing trace-based network security system for preventing ARP spoofing attacks, Journal of Supercomputing, vol.72 No.5 pp.1740~1756, 2016박종혁
◾ An enhanced security framework for reliable Android operating system, Security and Communication Networks, vol.9 No.6 pp.528~534, 2016박종혁
◾ Challenges and opportunities in next-generation cyberspace security, Security and Communication Networks, vol.9 No.6 pp.455~456, 2016박종혁
◾ A service composition model based on user experience in Ubi-cloud comp, Telecommunication Systems, vol.61 No.4 pp.897~907, 2016박종혁
◾ An efficient route scheduling mechanism for WiMAX network (vol 29, pg 452, 2014), KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW, vol.31 No.2 pp.205~205, 2016박종혁
◾ Introduction to the special section on parallel architectures, algorithms and programming, COMPUTERS ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, vol.50 pp.125~126, 2016박종혁
◾ Beacon-based active media control interface in indoor ubiquitous computing environment, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.19 No.1 pp.547~556, 2016박종혁
◾ Advances in multimedia computing and security and the introduction of new senior editors, Journal of Information Processing Systems, vol.12 No.4 pp.549~554, 2016박종혁
◾ Graph-based motor primitive generation framework: UAV motor primitives by demonstration-based learning, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, vol.5 No.1 pp.1~9, 2015박종혁
◾ Mining Social Media for Knowledge Discovery, COMPUTER JOURNAL, vol.58 No.9 pp.1859~1860, 2015박종혁
◾ Live mobile distance learning system for smart devices, Symmetry, vol.7 No.2 pp.294~304, 2015박종혁
◾ The digital fingerprinting analysis concerning Google Calendar under ubiquitous mobile computing era, Symmetry, vol.7 No.2 pp.383~394, 2015박종혁
◾ Design of a distributed personal information access control scheme for secure integrated payment in NFC, Symmetry, vol.7 No.2 pp.935~948, 2015박종혁
◾ Multi-WSN Simulator with Log Data for Efficient Sensing on Internet of Things, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2015박종혁
◾ User tailored cloud-learning system using SNS and learning resources, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.74 No.14 pp.5073~5084, 2015박종혁
◾ Relative weight evaluation of the factors inducing social media service use, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.74 No.14 pp.5041~5054, 2015박종혁
◾ Social Media Services and Technologies Towards Web 3.0, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.74 No.14 pp.5007~5013, 2015박종혁
◾ Attendance Check System and Implementation for Wi-Fi Networks Supporting Unlimited Number of Concurrent Connections, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2015박종혁
◾ Design of IP camera access control protocol by utilizing hierarchical group key, Symmetry, vol.7 No.3 pp.1567~1586, 2015박종혁
◾ Online Social Snapshots of a Generic Facebook Session Based on Digital Insight Data for a Secure Future IT Environment, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.7 No.2 pp.546~560, 2015박종혁
◾ Efficient Sustainable Operation Mechanism of Distributed Desktop Integration Storage Based on Virtualization with Ubiquitous Computing, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.7 No.6 pp.7568~7580, 2015박종혁
◾ Advanced Modeling and Services Based Mathematics for Ubiquitous Computing, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2015박종혁
◾ An efficient character input scheme with a gyro sensor of smartphone on ubiquitous cluster computing, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.18 pp.147~156, 2015박종혁
◾ An Optimal Path Computation Architecture for the Cloud-Network on Software-Defined Networking, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.7 No.5 pp.5413~5430, 2015박종혁
◾ ER-CLT: A Secure Emotion Recognition-Based Child Location Tracking System, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.16 No.3 pp.505~513, 2015박종혁
◾ Intelligent state machine for social ad hoc data management and reuse, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.74 pp.3521~3541, 2015박종혁
◾ An efficient authentication system of smart device using multi factors in mobile cloud service architecture, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.28 No.4 pp.659~674, 2015박종혁
◾ CIMS: A context-based intelligent multimedia system for ubiquitous cloud computing, Information (Switzerland), vol.6 No.2 pp.228~245, 2015박종혁
◾ Service based AEHS for human centric learning environments, JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND SMART ENVIRONMENTS, vol.7 pp.231~242, 2015박종혁
◾ Real-time smartphone sensing and recommendations towards context-awareness shopping, MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS, vol.21 pp.61~72, 2015박종혁
◾ VCC-SSF: Service-Oriented Security Framework for Vehicular Cloud Computing, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.7 No.2 pp.2028~2044, 2015박종혁
◾ Bayesian probability-based motion estimation method in ubiquitous computing environments, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.373 pp.593~598, 2015박종혁
◾ Ubiquitous systems towards green, sustainable, and secured smart environment, Scientific World Journal, vol.2015 No.0 pp.0~0, 2015박종혁
◾ Output Effect Evaluation Based on Input Features in Neural Incremental Attribute Learning for Better Classification Performance, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.7 No.1 pp.53~66, 2015박종혁
◾ G-Cloud Monitor: A Cloud Monitoring System for Factory Automation for Sustainable Green Computing, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.6 No.12 pp.8510~8521, 2014박종혁
◾ MLDS: Multi-Layer Defense System for Preventing Advanced Persistent Threats, SYMMETRY-BASEL, vol.6 No.4 pp.997~1010, 2014박종혁
◾ An enhanced smartphone security model based on information security management system (ISMS), ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, vol.14 No.3 pp.321~348, 2014박종혁
◾ Efficiency Sustainability Resource Visual Simulator for Clustered Desktop Virtualization Based on Cloud Infrastructure, SUSTAINABILITY, vol.6 No.11 pp.8079~8091, 2014박종혁
◾ Computational awareness towards green environments, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.69 No.3 pp.1007~1012, 2014박종혁
◾ Cloud computing-based jam management for a manufacturing system in a Green IT environment, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.69 No.3 pp.1054~1067, 2014박종혁
◾ A secure smart-work service model based OpenStack for Cloud computing, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.17 No.3 pp.691~702, 2014박종혁
◾ Smart devices and spaces for pervasive computing Preface, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE, vol.60 No.8 pp.668~670, 2014박종혁
◾ An enhanced integrity of web contents through mobile cloud environments, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.69 No.3 pp.1324~1341, 2014박종혁
◾ An efficient route scheduling mechanism for WiMAX network, KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW, vol.29 pp.452~462, 2014박종혁
◾ A strengthening plan for enterprise information security based on cloud computing, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.17 No.3 pp.703~710, 2014박종혁
◾ Visualization of dynamic fault tolerance rerouting for data traffic in wireless sensor network, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.27 No.8 pp.1186~1200, 2014박종혁
◾ The Disclosure of Evaporating Digital Trails respecting the Combinations of Gmail and IE for Pervasive Multimedia, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, 2014박종혁
◾ Digital evidence discovery of networked multimedia smart devices based on social networking activities, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.71 pp.219~234, 2014박종혁
◾ Content-oriented learning recommendation mechanism in MANETs, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.15 No.4 pp.252~262, 2014박종혁
◾ IT convergence security, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, vol.25 pp.213~215, 2014박종혁
◾ An Interactive IPTV System With Community Participation in Cloud Computing Environments, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, vol.8 pp.174~183, 2014박종혁
◾ Personlized English reading sequencing based on learning portfolio analysis, INFORMATION SCIENCES, vol.257 pp.248~263, 2014박종혁
◾ A smart assistant toward product-awareness shopping, PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.18 pp.339~349, 2014박종혁
◾ An ANP-Based Practical Quality Model for a Secure Embedded System with Sensor Network, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2014박종혁
◾ Ensuring Healthcare Services Provision: An Integrated Approach of Resident Contexts Extraction and Analysis via Smart Objects, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2014박종혁
◾ Visual Scheme Monitoring of Sensors for Fault Tolerance on Wireless Body Area Networks with Cloud Service Infrastructure, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2014박종혁
◾ An Efficient and Secure m-IPS Scheme of Mobile Devices for Human-Centric Computing, JOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 2014박종혁
◾ A Rhythm-Based Authentication Scheme for Smart Media Devices, SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, 2014박종혁
◾ DS-ARP: A New Detection Scheme for ARP Spoofing Attacks Based on Routing Trace for Ubiquitous Environments, SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, 2014박종혁
◾ Ubi-RKE: A Rhythm Key Based Encryption Scheme for Ubiquitous Devices, MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2014박종혁
◾ Time Pattern Locking Scheme for Secure Multimedia Contents in Human-Centric Device, SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, 2014박종혁
◾ Navigation-based self-optimization handover mechanism for mobile relay stations in WiMAX networks, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.55 pp.17~24, 2014박종혁
◾ Posted price model based on GRS and its optimization for improving grid resource sharing efficiency, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.55 pp.71~79, 2014박종혁
◾ VBSM: VCC-based black box service model with enhanced data integrity, Information (Switzerland), vol.5 No.4 pp.526~534, 2014박종혁
◾ Pervasive Sensing Technologies and Emerging Trends, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2014박종혁
◾ Introduction to the thematic issue on Ambient and Smart Component Technologies for Human Centric Computing, JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND SMART ENVIRONMENTS, vol.6 No.1 pp.3~4, 2014박종혁
◾ Multimedia contents adaptation by modality conversion with user preference in wireless network, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.37 pp.25~32, 2014박종혁
◾ Data center selection based on neuro-fuzzy inference systems in cloud computing environments, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.66 No.3 pp.1194~1214, 2013박종혁
◾ ALCA: agent learning-based clustering algorithm in vehicular ad hoc networks, PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.17 No.8 pp.1683~1692, 2013박종혁
◾ Modeling user-generated contents: an intelligent state machine for user-centric search support, PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.17 No.8 pp.1731~1739, 2013박종혁
◾ Inference topology of distributed camera networks with multiple cameras, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.67 No.1 pp.289~309, 2013박종혁
◾ Advanced Security Technologies and Services for Future Computing Environments, COMPUTER JOURNAL, vol.56 No.10 pp.1151~1153, 2013박종혁
◾ Encoder design for healthcare signals, PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.17 No.7 pp.1373~1381, 2013박종혁
◾ Context-aware service roaming for heterogeneous embedded devices over cloud, JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE, vol.59 No.9 pp.776~784, 2013박종혁
◾ A QoS Model for a RFID Enabled Application with Next-Generation Sensors for Manufacturing Systems, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, vol.2013 , 2013박종혁
◾ Theme issues on U-Business service and strategy, and U-Healthcare, PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.17 No.7 pp.1315~1316, 2013박종혁
◾ Adaptive network-based fuzzy inference model on CPS for large scale intelligent and cooperative surveillance, COMPUTING, vol.95 pp.977~992, 2013박종혁
◾ Efficient model of Korean graphemes based on a smartphone keyboard, ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH, vol.13 pp.357~377, 2013박종혁
◾ Research trends in cloud, cluster and grid computing, CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.16 No.3 pp.335~337, 2013박종혁
◾ Revisiting reorder buffer architecture for next generation high performance computing, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.65 No.2 pp.484~495, 2013박종혁
◾ Concurrent multipath transmission with forward error correction mechanism to overcome burst packet losses for delay-sensitive video streaming in wireless home networks, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.65 No.2 pp.201~220, 2013박종혁
◾ Multimedia technology for pervasive computing environment, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.65 No.1 pp.258~261, 2013박종혁
◾ Advances in communication networks for pervasive and ubiquitous applications, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.64 No.2 pp.251~255, 2013박종혁
◾ An anomaly-based detection in ubiquitous network using the equilibrium state of the catastrophe theory, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.64 No.2 pp.274~294, 2013박종혁
◾ Mobile cloud computing framework for a pervasive and ubiquitous environment, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.64 No.2 pp.331~356, 2013박종혁
◾ Structure-free message aggregation and routing in traffic information system (SMART), JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.36 pp.974~980, 2013박종혁
◾ Privacy-preserving max/min query in two-tiered wireless sensor networks, COMPUTERS MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol.65 No.9 pp.1318~1325, 2013박종혁
◾ Special Issue on Advanced Information Security for Secure and Trust Computing, COMPUTERS MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol.65 No.9 pp.1233~1233, 2013박종혁
◾ Design and implementation of a wireless sensor network architecture using smart mobile devices, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.52 No.4 pp.2311~2320, 2013박종혁
◾ Extraction of enhanced evoked potentials using wavelet filtering, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.63 No.1 pp.45~61, 2013박종혁
◾ Efficient localization scheme with ring overlapping by utilizing mobile anchors in wireless sensor networks, Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol.12 No.2 pp.0~0, 2013박종혁
◾ Advances in security and multimodality for pervasive computing environments: TS Special Issue, Telecommunication Systems, vol.52 No.2 pp.1341~1342, 2013박종혁
◾ Perceptual quality based error control for scalable on-demand streaming in next-generation wireless networks, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.52 No.2 pp.445~459, 2013박종혁
◾ A RF4CE-based remote controller with interactive graphical user interface applied to home automation system, Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol.12 No.2 pp.0~0, 2013박종혁
◾ An Efficient Dynamic Integration Middleware for Cyber-Physical Systems in Mobile Environments, MOBILE NETWORKS APPLICATIONS, vol.18 No.1 pp.110~115, 2013박종혁
◾ A novel and efficient source-path discovery and maintenance method for application layer multicast, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol.39 No.1 pp.67~75, 2013박종혁
◾ High availability and efficient energy consumption for cloud computing service with grid infrastructure, Computers and Electrical Engineering, vol.39 No.1 pp.15~23, 2013박종혁
◾ Load balancing and adaptive scheduling for data intensive prioritised traffic in multi-radio multi-channel wireless mesh networks, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.12 No.1 pp.3~13, 2013박종혁
◾ Maximizing Network Lifetime of Directional Sensor Networks Considering Coverage Reliability, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2013박종혁
◾ Improving Performance through REST Open API Grouping for Wireless Sensor Network, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2013박종혁
◾ Erratum: Effective session key distribution for secure fast handover in mobile networks (Telecommunication Systems (DOI 10.1007/s11235-009-9219-0)), Telecommunication Systems, vol.52 No.1 , 2013박종혁
◾ Community Vitality in Dynamic Temporal Networks, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2013박종혁
◾ Visual Scheme for the Detection of Mobile Attack on WSN Simulator, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS, 2013박종혁
◾ A cache-based search algorithm in unstructured P2P networks, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, vol.23 No.6 pp.2101~2107, 2012박종혁
◾ Development Direction for Information Security in Network-Centric Warfare, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.203 pp.813~818, 2012박종혁
◾ A Virtualization Security Framework for Public Cloud Computing, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.203 pp.421~428, 2012박종혁
◾ A Study on Advanced Penetration Testing and Defensive Schemes for Web Service Vulnerability Analyses, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.203 pp.453~460, 2012박종혁
◾ Image hash generation method using hierarchical histogram, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.61 No.1 pp.181~194, 2012박종혁
◾ Design and simulation of a hierarchical priority fairness scheduler in an uplink Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access system, SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL, vol.88 No.10 pp.1180~1189, 2012박종혁
◾ A partially reconstructed previous Gmail session by live digital evidences investigation through volatile data acquisition, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, vol.5 No.3 pp.1193~1198, 2012박종혁
◾ An authentication protocol offering service anonymity of mobile device in ubiquitous environment, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.62 No.1 pp.105~117, 2012박종혁
◾ MIB-ITrace-CP: An Improvement of ICMP-Based Traceback Efficiency in Network Forensic Analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.7513 pp.101~109, 2012박종혁
◾ Open API Design for Research Information System, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.181 pp.187~195, 2012박종혁
◾ The Partial Digital Evidence Disclosure in Respect to the Instant Messaging Embedded in Viber Application Regarding an Android Smart Phone, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.180 pp.171~178, 2012박종혁
◾ A VoIP system for mobility voice security support using the VPN, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, vol.5 No.9 pp.945~956, 2012박종혁
◾ Improved RF4CE key agreement approach involving two-phase key distribution for smart-convergence home device, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, vol.5 No.9 pp.974~986, 2012박종혁
◾ Study on the common criteria methodology for secure ubiquitous environment construction, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, vol.23 No.4 pp.933~939, 2012박종혁
◾ Secure and efficient public key management in next generation mobile networks, PERSONAL AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.16 No.6 pp.677~685, 2012박종혁
◾ Intelligent model design of cluster supply chain with horizontal cooperation, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, vol.23 No.4 pp.917~931, 2012박종혁
◾ A self-adaptive K selection mechanism for re-authentication load balancing in large-scale systems, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.61 No.1 pp.166~188, 2012박종혁
◾ A Lock Screen Scheme with Improved Security and Convenience Using 8-Way Points for Smartphones, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.164 pp.393~398, 2012박종혁
◾ NFC-LMS: Design and Implementation of Lost article Management System with NFC, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.164 pp.399~406, 2012박종혁
◾ LARSs: Design of Middleware for Location-Based Augmented Reality Services, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.179 pp.89~96, 2012박종혁
◾ Differential Fault Analysis on the Block Cipher HIGHT, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.164 pp.407~416, 2012박종혁
◾ Ubiquitous computing for communications and broadcasting, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.25 No.6 pp.689~690, 2012박종혁
◾ An interference-aware multichannel media access control protocol for wireless sensor networks, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.60 No.3 pp.437~460, 2012박종혁
◾ An Efficient Cloud Storage Model for Cloud Computing Environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.7296 pp.370~376, 2012박종혁
◾ Achieving reliable system performance by fast recovery of branch miss prediction, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.35 No.3 pp.982~991, 2012박종혁
◾ Bio-inspired computing for hybrid information technology, SOFT COMPUTING, vol.16 No.3 pp.367~368, 2012박종혁
◾ Security technologies and applications for convergence environments, SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, vol.5 No.3 pp.249~251, 2012박종혁
◾ The weighted shortest path search based on multi-agents in mobile GIS management services, WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS MOBILE COMPUTING, vol.12 No.4 pp.302~317, 2012박종혁
◾ Chain-to-chain inventory transshipment model and robust switch control in CSC networks, CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE EXPERIENCE, vol.24 No.4 pp.423~443, 2012박종혁
◾ Recent advances and future directions in multimedia and mobile computing, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.57 No.2 pp.237~242, 2012박종혁
◾ Intelligent video surveillance system: 3-tier context-aware surveillance system with metadata, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.57 No.2 pp.315~334, 2012박종혁
◾ Study on Security Requirements and Health-care Housing Application for u-health Device, INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, vol.15 No.2 pp.923~937, 2012박종혁
◾ Efficient scheme of verifying integrity of application binaries in embedded operating systems, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.59 No.2 pp.676~692, 2012박종혁
◾ MSNS: mobile sensor network simulator for area coverage and obstacle avoidance based on GML, EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, pp.1~15, 2012박종혁
◾ Fuzzy Set Theory-Based Trust Models in Multi-Agent Environment, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.13 No.1 pp.159~172, 2012박종혁
◾ A scalable and privacy-preserving child-care and safety service in a ubiquitous computing environment, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, vol.55 No.43102 pp.45~57, 2012박종혁
◾ Distributed Video Coding: an overview of basics, research issues and solutions, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING, vol.9 No.4 pp.258~271, 2012박종혁
◾ Policy-Based Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Multimedia Communication on Grid Computing Environment, IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL, vol.5 pp.451~459, 2011박종혁
◾ Ontology Based Resource Usage Policy Matching in Computational Grid for Pervasive Computing Applications, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol.60 pp.489~506, 2011박종혁
◾ An Environmental-Adaptive Fall Detection System on Mobile Device, JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SYSTEMS, vol.35 pp.1299~1312, 2011박종혁
◾ A novel low-power RF4CE-based communication framework for multimedia system control, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.24 pp.1340~1353, 2011박종혁
◾ Energy Efficient Distributed Face Recognition in Wireless Sensor Network, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol.60 pp.571~582, 2011박종혁
◾ Enhanced HCCA mechanism for multimedia traffics with QoS support in IEEE 802.11e networks, JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, vol.34 No.5 pp.1566~1571, 2011박종혁
◾ Live Data Mining Concerning Social Networking Forensics Based on a Facebook Session Through Aggregation of Social Data, IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, vol.29 No.7 pp.1368~1376, 2011박종혁
◾ Efficient sensor node authentication in third generation-wireless sensor networks integrated networks, IET COMMUNICATIONS, vol.5 No.12 pp.1744~1754, 2011박종혁
◾ M-MUSICS: an intelligent mobile music retrieval system, MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS, vol.17 pp.313~326, 2011박종혁
◾ Throughput Fairness Enhancement Using Differentiated Channel Access in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks, SENSORS, vol.11 No.7 pp.6629~6644, 2011박종혁
◾ The effect and strategy research of the secure E-commerce by the application of P2P, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, vol.54 No.43102 pp.175~183, 2011박종혁
◾ Using Multi-Modal Semantic Association Rules to fuse keywords and visual features automatically for Web image retrieval, INFORMATION FUSION, vol.12 No.3 pp.223~230, 2011박종혁
◾ Visualisation of efficiency coverage and energy consumption of sensors in wireless sensor networks using heat map, IET COMMUNICATIONS, vol.5 No.8 pp.1129~1137, 2011박종혁
◾ Spatial Network RNN Queries in GIS, COMPUTER JOURNAL, vol.54 No.4 pp.617~627, 2011박종혁
◾ A scalable and efficient key escrow model for lawful interception of IDBC-based secure communication, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.24 No.4 pp.461~472, 2011박종혁
◾ A security management scheme for failure detector distributed systems based on self-tuning control theory, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, vol.22 No.2 pp.333~342, 2011박종혁
◾ An Emergency-Adaptive Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks for Building Fire Hazard Monitoring, SENSORS, vol.11 No.3 pp.2899~2919, 2011박종혁
◾ Robust one-time password authentication scheme using smart card for home network environment, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol.34 pp.326~336, 2011박종혁
◾ WiFi Auto Configuration Architecture Using ZigBee RF4CE for Pervasive Environments, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.12 No.2 pp.337~346, 2011박종혁
◾ A portable UPnP-based high performance content sharing system for supporting multimedia devices, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.55 pp.269~283, 2011박종혁
◾ Resilient Security Mechanism for Wireless Ad hoc Network, WIRELESS PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol.56 No.3 pp.385~401, 2011박종혁
◾ Admissible bilinear map-based key management protocol for HPCCS in heterogeneous network, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.55 pp.155~172, 2011박종혁
◾ A Novel Approach to Detect Network Attacks Using G-HMM-Based Temporal Relations between Internet Protocol Packets, EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, 2011박종혁
◾ Privacy Protection and Access Control of Image Information Processing Devices, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.12 No.5 pp.711~716, 2011박종혁
◾ Quantum entanglement and non-locality based secure computation for future communication, IET INFORMATION SECURITY, vol.5 No.1 pp.69~79, 2011박종혁
◾ A Secure and Robust Connectivity Architecture for Smart Devices and Applications, EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING, 2011박종혁
◾ Visual Trustworthy Monitoring System (v-TMS) for Behavior of Trusted Computing, JOURNAL OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGY, vol.11 No.6 pp.731~741, 2010박종혁
◾ Design and implementation of a framework for building distributed smart object systems, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.54 pp.4~28, 2010박종혁
◾ A proposal for automating investigations in live forensics, COMPUTER STANDARDS INTERFACES, pp.246~255, 2010박종혁
◾ User authentication schemes with pseudonymity for ubiquitous sensor network in NGN, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.23 No.43353 pp.1201~1222, 2010박종혁
◾ Subscriber authentication technology of AAA mechanism for mobile IPTV service offer, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.45 No.1 pp.37~45, 2010박종혁
◾ Security analysis of pure DDP-based cipher proper for multimedia and ubiquitous device, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.44 No.43163 pp.267~279, 2010박종혁
◾ The incentive secure mechanism based on quality of service in P2P network, COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS, vol.60 No.2 pp.224~233, 2010박종혁
◾ A secure model for controlling the hubs in P2P wireless network based on trust value, COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS, vol.33 pp.997~1004, 2010박종혁
◾ Connectivity and coverage maintenance in wireless sensor networks, JOURNAL OF SUPERCOMPUTING, vol.52 No.1 pp.23~46, 2010박종혁
◾ A scalable and adaptive video streaming framework over multiple paths, MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS, vol.47 pp.207~224, 2010박종혁
◾ Effective session key distribution for secure fast handover in mobile networks, TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, vol.44 No.43102 pp.97~107, 2010박종혁
차세대 IT환경을 고려한 DRM의 연구동향 및 고찰", 한국멀티미디어학회,2008, 외 다수
◾ Yonas Teweldemedhin Gebrezgiher, Park Jong Hyuk, Integrating Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Multi-access Edge Computing for Enhanced V2X communication Security, The 16th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA 2024), Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing, China, 2024박종혁
◾ Abir EL AZZAOUI, Jong Hyuk Park , A Machine Learning Approach for Android Ransomeware Detection, The 2023 International Conference on Future Information Technology, applications and services (IFIT 2023 Seoul), 동국대학교, 2023박종혁
◾ Sekione Reward Jeremiah, Jong Hyuk Park, A DRL Approach to Android Ransomware Detection for Supervised Problems, The 17th KIPS International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications (CUTE 2023), Nha Trang University, Nha Trang, Vietnam, 2023박종혁
◾ Abir El Azzaoui, Jong Hyuk Park , Blockchain-driven Physical Unclonable Devices using Chaotic Circuits for IoT Security in Smart City, The 2023 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, 대한민국, 메종글레드호텔, 2023박종혁
◾ Sekione Reward Jeremiah, Jong Hyuk Park , A Scalable Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Optimizing Throughput and Energy Consumption in UAV-Enabled MEC Systems, The 6th International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, 제주 메종글래드, 2022박종혁
◾ Haotian Chen, Jong Hyuk Park, BDT: Blockchain and Digital Twins-based Secure Framework for Efficient Data Processing in Smart Manufacturing, The 6th International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud computing (BIC 2022), 제주도 메종글래드, 2022박종혁
◾ Haotian Chen, Tae Woo Kim, Jong Hyuk Park, Smart Contract-Based Secure Multi-Party Computation for Cloud Privacy Preserving, The 2022 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, 대한민국, 메종글레드호텔, 2022박종혁
◾ Hao-Tian CHEN, Azzaoui Abir EL, Jong Hyuk Park, Blockchain-Based Secure Multi-party Computation Framework for Privacy Protection in IoT Networks, The 13th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, 대한민국, 메종글레드호텔, 2021박종혁
◾ Taewoo Kim, Abir EL Azzaoui, Jong Hyuk Park*, Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Sustainable Smart Logistics System, The 13th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, 대한민국, 메종글레드호텔, 2021박종혁
◾ Abir EL Azzaoui, Jong Hyuk Park, A Scalable Blockchain-based Secure Authentication Framework for Cloud Video Conferencing, Proceeding of International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC-21), 제주, 메종글래드호텔, 2021박종혁
◾ Mikail Mohammed Salim, Changhoon Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Secret Sharing based computation privacy for IoT, Proceeding of International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC-21), 제주, 메종글래드호텔, 2021박종혁
◾ Tae Woo Kim, Jong Hyuk Park, OTP-Based Cloud System Architecture for Secure Data Transmission, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC 2020), 제주 메종글래드호텔, 2020박종혁
◾ Jose Costa Sapalo Sicato, Younhun Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Machine Learning based Intrusion Detection Prevention System for Securing Attacks in IoT Applications, The 11th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA 2019), Macau, china, 2019박종혁
◾ Jeonghun Cha, Jong Hyuk Park, A Distributed SDN Architecture for 5G, The 11th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications (CSA 2019), Macau, China, 2019박종혁
◾ 차정훈, 조정훈, 강정호, 박종혁, 네트워크 공격 방지를 위한 사이버 위협 인텔리전스 프로세스 연구, 2019 추계학술발표대회 프로그램, 제주대학교, 2019박종혁
◾ Shailendra Rathore, Younghun Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, A Blockchain-based Neural Network and Decision Tree for Image Forgery Detection in Smart City, The International Conference on Future Information Technology, applications and services (IFIT 2019 Seoul), 서울 동국대학교, 2019박종혁
◾ Jeong Hoon Jo, Jong Hyuk Park, A Blockchain-Based Smart City Network Architecture, The International Conference on Future Information Technology, applications and services(IFIT 2019 Seoul), 서울, 2019박종혁
◾ Jeonghun Cha, Jong Hyuk Park, Young-Sik Jeong, A Reliable Data Collection Architecture for Cyber Threat Intelligence, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC 2019), 제주, 2019박종혁
◾ Younghun Lee, Jeong Hoon Jo, Sang Kee Suk, Jong Hyuk Park, Block Chain Based Enhanced Data Reliability Maintenance Architecture for C-ITS, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing (BIC 2019), 제주, 2019박종혁
◾ 차정훈, 권병욱, 박종혁, IP 스푸핑 기반 DoS 공격의 대응 방안 및 고찰, 제51회 2019 춘계학술발표대회프로그램, 숭실대학교, 2019박종혁
◾ 이영헌, 조정훈, 박종혁, 스마트 홈 IoT 보안 기술 연구 동향 및 고찰, 제51회 2019 춘계학술발표대회프로그램, 숭실대학교, 2019박종혁
◾ Jeong Hoon Jo, Jong Hyuk Park, Reliable Blockchain based Stochastic Game System, The 14th Future Information Technology 2019, China, Xian, 2019박종혁
◾ Mikail Mohammed Salim, Jong Hyuk Park, Deep Learning based IoT re-authentication for Botnet Detection and Prevention, The 13th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, China, Xian, 2019박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Jong Hyuk Park, Blockchain-based Digital Evidence Integrity Verification, The 12th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Dongguk University, 2018박종혁
◾ 김태우, 류정현, 조정훈, 박종혁, 4-유니버셜 게이트 기반 효율적인 QCA 2-to-4 인에이블 디코더 설계, 2018 추계학술발표대회, 부경대학교, 2018박종혁
◾ 이영헌, 류정현, 김남용, 박종혁, 커넥티드 카 보안을 위한 침해 위협 분석 및 대응방안 연구, 2018 추계학술발표대회, 부경대학교, 2018박종혁
◾ Hybrid Virtual Machine-based SDN System in Cloud, Hybrid Virtual Machine-based SDN System in Cloud, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2018박종혁
◾ Kyung Yeob Park, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Jong Hyuk Park, Blockchain-based Database Security System in Edge Computing, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2018박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Shailendra Rathore, Jong Hyuk Park, An Artificial Intelligence-based Intrusion Detection System for IoT, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2018박종혁
◾ Jeong Hoon Jo, Jong Hyuk Park, Clustering Based Blockchain for Efficient Management and Production Smart Farming System, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2018박종혁
◾ Jung Hyuk Ryu, Jungho Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, A Design of Enhanced Integrity Preservation based on Blockchain, The 12th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, University of Salerno, 2018박종혁
◾ Byung Wook Kwon, Jungho Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, A Fog Computing-based Automotive Data Overload Protection System with Real-Time Analysis, The 12th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, University of Salerno, 2018박종혁
◾ Byung Wook Kwon, Sang Ki Suk, Jong Hyuk Park, Block-Chain Based Video Data Forgery Protection System, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2018박종혁
◾ Shailendra Rathore, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Jong Hyuk Park, Semi-supervised Learning based Malicious User Detection in Online Social Networks, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2018박종혁
◾ Byung Wook Kwon, Jong Hyuk Park, SMS-based Data base Security System for smart hospital, The 2018 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, Booyoung Jeju Hotel, 2018박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Jong Hyuk Park, Design of Blockchain-Based Decentralized Integrity Preservation In Digital Investigation, World IT Congress 2018, 제주 부영호텔, 2018박종혁
◾ Byung Wook Kwon, Jae Dong Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Artificial Intelligence-based IoT Security, The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, 2017박종혁
◾ Shailendra Rathore, Byung Wook Kwon, Nam Yong Kim, Seo Yeon Moon, Jae Dong Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Deep Learning based Spammer Detection in Social Networking Services, The 9th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, Providence University, 2017박종혁
◾ 권병욱, 강원민, 박종혁, 효율적인 차량 환경을 위한 딥 러닝기반의 음성인식 상품 구매 시스템, 2017 한국정보처리학회 추계학술발표대회, 서울과학기술대학교, 2017박종혁
◾ 박경엽, 박종혁, 포그 컴퓨팅의 개념과 보안 이슈, 2017년 추계 학술대회, 서울과학기술대학교, 2017박종혁
◾ 류정현, 이재동, 석상기, 박종혁, 지능형 디지털 포렌식 도구 및 데이터 간소화 프레임워크에 관한 연구, 2017년 추계 학술대회, 서울과학기술대학교, 2017박종혁
◾ Nam Yong Kim, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, 효율적인 클라우드 환경을 위한 가상화 및 SDN/NFV기술 연구, JIPS, 서울과학기술대학교, 2017박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, The Study on Data of Smart Home System as Digital Evidence, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ NamYong Kim, Kyung Yeob Park, Jong Hyuk Park, Dynamic OTP matching-based Authentication as a Service, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ Pradip Kumar Sharma, Byung Wook Kwon, Jong Hyuk Park, DSS-SL: Dynamic Signage System based on SDN with LiFi Communication for Smart Buildings, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ Byung Wook Kwon, Jong Hyuk Park, EEG Based on Smart Driving System for Intelligent Accident Management, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Seo Yeon Moon, and Jong Hyuk Park, The Study on Data of Smart Home System as Digital Evidence, Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing, 제주도, 2017박종혁
◾ Jun-Ho Huh, Jong Hyuk Park, A Cancer Tissue Identification Technique Using Cancer Cell Big Data: Machine Learning Approach, The International Conference on Big data, IoT, and Cloud Computing, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ Pradip Kumar Sharma, Byoung Wook Kwon, Jong Hyuk Park, DSS-SL: Dynamic Signage System based on SDN with LiFi Communication for Smart Buildings, Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing, 제주도, 2017박종혁
◾ Nam Yong Kim, Kyung Yeob Park, Jong Hyuk Park, DOTP-AaaS: Dynamic OTP matching-based Authentication as a Service, Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing, 제주도, 2017박종혁
◾ Jin Wang, Yiquan Cao, Bin Li, Jong Hyuk Park, Virtual Force and Glowworm Swarm Optimization based Node Deployment Strategy for SNs, The 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network, Ramada Jeju Hamdeok Hotel, 2017박종혁
◾ Pradip Kumar Sharma, Seo Yeon Moon, Shailendra Rathore, Jong Hyuk Park, A Blockchains based Architecture for Scalable IoT Network, The 12th International Conference on Future Information Technology, Olympic Parktel, Seoul, 2017박종혁
◾ 김남용, 박종혁, 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 기술 및 보안서비스 연구, 2017년 춘계학술발표대회, 제주대학교, 2017박종혁
◾ 권병욱, 박종혁, 커넥티드 카의 센서기술과 차량 네트워크의 연구, 2017년 춘계학술발표대회, 제주대학교, 2017박종혁
◾ Byoung Wook Kwon, Kyung Yeob Park, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, Safe-driving aid system using bi-directional cameras, The 2017 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Nam Yong Kim, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, Telling Computer and Human Apart : Image-Sound Based CAPTCHA System, The 2017 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2017박종혁
◾ Byoung Wook Kwon, Kyung Yeob Park, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, Safe-Driving Aid System Using Bi-directional Cameras, Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 제주도, 2017박종혁
◾ Jung Hyun Ryu, Nam Yong Kim, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, Telling Computer and Human Apart: Image-Sound Based CAPTCHA System, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, WITC2017, 2017박종혁
◾ Saurabh Singh, Pradip Kumar Sharma, Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, i-SHSS: An IoT Based Smart Home Security System, Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, 제주도, 2017박종혁
◾ Hyun-Woo Kim, Jong Hyuk Park, Malicious Instruction Analysis Against APT of Sensor Communication on IoT Environment, The 2017 Global Conference on Information Technology, Computing, and Applications, Widus (Clark, Philippines) Hotel, 2017박종혁
◾ Shailendra Rathore, Young-sik Jeong, Doo-soon Park, Jong Hyuk Park, Cross-Site Scripting Attack Detection in Social Network Service, The 2017 Global Conference on Information Technology, Computing, and Applications, Widus (Clark, Philippines) Hotel, 2017박종혁
◾ Seo Yeon Moon, Jaehwa Chung, Jong Hyuk Park, Location-based Security Authentication Model in Smart Home Network, The 8th International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, EASTIN GRAND HOTEL SATHORN, 2016박종혁
◾ Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, Security Requirements and Countermeasures for Secure Home Network in Internet of Things, The 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network, Ramada Jeju Hamdeok Hotel, 2016박종혁
◾ Erik Miranda Lopez, Yoon ho Kim, Jong Hyuk Park, Data Mining Techniques to Facilitate Digital Forensics Investigations, The 5th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network, Ramada Jeju Hamdeok Hotel, 2016박종혁
◾ Jeonghoon Kwak, Jong Hyuk Park, Linear Motor Primitive Generation Method based on Observation Spots, The 11th International Conference on Future Information Technology, North China University of Technology, 2016박종혁
◾ Seo Yeon Moon, Jong Hyuk Park, An Efficient Design of Graycode Circuit Using Reversible Logic, The 11th International Conference on Future Information Technology, North China University of Technology (NCUT), 2016박종혁
◾ Sang-Geol Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Yunsick Sung, Enhanced Filter-Based Relative Distance Estimation Method, The 2016 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, RAMADA JEJU HAMDEOK, 2016박종혁
◾ Sung Yunsick, Kwak Jeonghoon, Park Jong Hyuk, Jeong Young-Sik, Distance Revising Method in Active Media Control Environments, The 2016 Global Conference on Information Technology, Computing, and Applications, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2016박종혁
◾ Kwak Jeonghoon, Sung Yunsick, Park Jong Hyuk, Improved Relative Location Estimation Method using Intermediate Reference Beacons for UAVs, The 2016 Global Conference on Information Technology, Computing, and Applications, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2016박종혁
◾ Jungho Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, Design of Secure Protocol for Session Key Exchange in Vehicular Cloud Computing, The 10th KIPS International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications, Cebu, 2015박종혁
◾ Jeong Kyu Lee, Saurabh singh, Jong Hyuk Park, Secure and Efficient Personalized Services based on User Experience for Optimizing Driver’s Health Condition, The 10th KIPS International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications, Cebu, 2015박종혁
◾ Hyungjin Im, Jae Woong Joo, Jong Hyuk Park, Certificateless based public key infrastructure using a hierarchical identifier, The 10th KIPS International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies and Applications, Cebu, 2015박종혁
◾ Jae WoongJoo, Jong Hyuk Park, HBSS-MCC A Human Behavior based Smartphone Security System in Mobile Cloud Computing, The 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network, 제주, 2015박종혁
◾ Jae WoongJoo, Jong Hyuk Park, A Secure Service Research for Communication between Smart devices and Vehicles, The 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network (UC, 제주, 2015박종혁
◾ HyungjinIm, JeongKyu Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Secure Smart Service for Vehicular Cloud Computing Environment, The 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Network, 제주, 2015박종혁
◾ Hyun-Woo Kim, Eun-Ha Song, Jong Hyuk Park, Young-Sik Jeong, Parallel Processing Simulator for Separate Sensor of WSN Simulator with GPU, 29th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, GwaunJu, 2015박종혁
◾ Fei Hao, Doo-Soon Park , Young-Sik Jeong , Jong Hyuk Park, hFractal: A Cloud-assisted Simulator of Virtual Plants for Digital Agriculture, The 10th International Conference on Future Information Technology (FutureTech 2015), Hanoi, 2015박종혁
◾ Jae Woong Joo, Won Min Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, AER-ULTS: Audio Emotion Recognition-based User location tracking System, The 2015 World Congress on Information Technology Applications and Services, 제주, 2015박종혁
◾ Won Min Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, EWPS: Efficient Web Platform Service in IPTV, The 2014 International Workshop on Computer Software and Services (CSS 2014), Guam, USA, 2014박종혁
◾ Won Min Kang, Hyun Seok Oh, Hwa-Young Jeong, Jong Hyuk Park, SSM: Security Service Model based on Vehicular Cloud Computing, The 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Information Security (DFIS 2014)Proceedings, Guam,USA, 2014박종혁
◾ Jae Dong Lee, Jeong Kyu Lee, Won Min Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, Gesture recognition-based system for information exchange in battlefield, The 3nd FTRA International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Networ, Jeju, 2014박종혁
◾ Jae Woong Joo, Chang Hyun Moon, Won Min Kang, Jong Hyuk Park, A Transmission Scheme Thin Client-based for Efficient Web Platform Service in Media Devices, The 3nd FTRA International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor Networ, jeju, 2014박종혁
◾ Hwa-Young Jeong, Jong Hyuk Park, Jae Dong Lee, The Cloud Storage Model for Manufacturing System in Global Factory Automation, Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (WAINA), 2014 28th International Conferen, Victoria, 2014박종혁
◾ Min Choi, Wonjae Lee, Seong-jun Bae, Hyunwoo Lee, Jong-Hyuk Park, Faster Translated Binary Execution on Mobile System through Virtualization, 2014 IEEE 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, Victoria, 2014박종혁
◾ Jae Dong Lee , Won Min Kang, Hwa-Young Jeong, Young-SikJeong, Jong Hyuk Park, SDPS-NUI/NUX: Secure Data Processing Scheme for NUI/NUX in IoT Environments, The 2014 FTRA International Conference on Advanced Computing and Services (ACS-14)Proceedings, jeju, 2014박종혁
◾ Min Su Song, Jae Dong Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, ARP Spoofing Attack Detection Using a Routing Trace, The 4th FTRA International Conference on Advanced IT, engineering and Management (FTRA AIM-14), 제주, 2014박종혁
◾ Hwa-Young Jeong,Jong-Hyuk Park, Service Based User Oriented Adaptive Learning System, 2013 16th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems, 광주, 2013박종혁
◾ 박종혁, Study on Wireless Intrusion Prevention System for Mobile Office, 5th FTRA International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services, Fukuoka, 2013박종혁
◾ 문창현, 박지수, 박종혁, 높은 이식성을 제공하는 향상된 웹 서비스 보안 시스템 설계 및 구현, 제 38회 한국정보처리학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집 제 19권 2호, 제주대학교, 2012박종혁
◾ 송민수, 박지수, 박종혁, NAC와 BYOD에 대한 연구 동향 분석 및 고찰, 2012년도 한국멀티미디어학회 추계학술발표대회 논문집 제15권2호, 서울대학교, 2012박종혁
◾ 박지수, 박종혁, 모바일 클라우드 컴퓨팅을 위한 신뢰 컴퓨팅 연구 및 고찰, 제 37회 한국정보처리학회 춘계학술대회 논문집 제 19권 1호, 순천대학교, 2012박종혁
◾ Kwang Il Shin, Ji Soo Park, Jae Yong Lee, Jong Hyuk Park, Design and Implementation of Improved Authentication System for Android Smartphone Users, IEEE CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, 2012박종혁
◾ 박광현, 정진교, 이기원, 박지수, 박종혁, bada 2.0 OS 모바일 환경 보안 이슈에 관한 연구 동향 분석 및 고찰, 2012년도 한국정보기술융합학회 동계학술발표대회 논문집 제3권 1호 (2012.2.9), 곤지암 리조트, 2012박종혁
“알에프 아이디를 이용하여 프라이버시를 보호하기 위한 동물 통합관리 방법 및 시스템 ”, 특허청, 2008.
"휴대 단말기에서 프라이버시 보호를 위한 보안 솔루션 시스템"2013.
◾ 블록체인 기반의 신뢰성 있는 확률적 게임 소프트웨어, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, C-2018-036925, 2018박종혁
◾ CCTV 영상기반 얼굴 특장점 추출 프로그램, 소프트웨어 등록, 대한민국, C-2018-036924, 2018박종혁
◾ 동작 감지 기반의 디바이스를 이용한 정보 제공 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1783185, 2017박종혁
◾ 드래그 입력 기반의 사용자 인증 방법 및 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1742150, 2017박종혁
◾ 사용자행동이벤트 수집을 통한 클라우드 컴퓨팅 기반의 모바일 보안 시스템 및 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1715179, 2017박종혁
◾ 스마트 디바이스에서의 어플리케이션 접근 제어 방법 및 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1708267, 2017박종혁
◾ 디바이스 잠금 제어 방법 및 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1629868, 2016박종혁
◾ 리듬 기반의 데이터 암호화 방법, 복호화 방법 및 그 장치, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1624590, 2016박종혁
◾ 효율적인 입력을 제공하는 스마트?, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1427524, 2014박종혁
◾ 휴대 단말기에서 프라이버시 보호를 위한 보안 솔루션 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1324919, 2013박종혁
◾ 알에프 아이디를 이용하여 프라이버시를 보호하기 위한 동물 통합관리 방법 및 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 10-1051770, 2011박종혁
지식경제부, 대학IT연구센터 육성․지원사업
◾ A Blockchain-based Smart Home Gateway Architecture for Preventing Data Forgery, 산학협력단, 2019.09.~2020.08.박종혁
◾ 딥러닝 기반 블록체인 분산 환경의 스마트시티 네트워크 아키텍처 연구, 한국연구재단, 2019.06.~2022.02.박종혁
◾ CIoT-Net: a scalable cognitive IoT based smart city network architecture, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.박종혁
◾ A survey on cyber physical system security for IoT: Issues, challenges, threats, solutions, 산학협력단, 2018.09.~2019.06.박종혁
◾ Analysis of a Third-Party Application for Mobile Forensic Investigation, 산학협력단, 2018.04.~2018.07.박종혁
◾ 지능형 위협에 대한 딥러닝 기반 공격 예측 및 선제 대응 기술 연구, 산학협력단, 2018.02.~2021.01.박종혁
◾ 주요 도메인별 네트워크 보안 취약점 분석도구 요구사항 연구, 정보통신기술진흥센터, 2017.08.~2017.11.박종혁
◾ 미래IT를 위한 Li-Fi를 이용한 안전한 클라우드 프레임워크, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2017.11.박종혁
◾ Authentications for Internet of Things Security:Threats, Challenges and Studies, 산학협력단, 2017.06.~2017.11.박종혁
◾ 차세대 IoT 환경을 위한 그린 스마트홈 보안 프레임워크 개발, 한국연구재단, 2016.06.~2019.05.박종혁
◾ 신종 APT 공격의 동적 대응을 위한 분석기법 및 방안 연구, 정보통신기술진흥센터, 2016.06.~2016.11.박종혁
◾ APT 공격 방지를 위한 사용자 행동기반 지능형 보안기법 및 방안 연구, 한국전자통신연구원, 2015.07.~2015.12.박종혁
◾ Security Considerations for a Connected Car, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2016.02.박종혁
◾ Certificateless based Public Key Infrastructure using a DNSSEC, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2016.02.박종혁
◾ 지능형 사고 관리를 위한 서비스 기반 ITS 프레임 워크, 산학협력단, 2015.05.~2016.02.박종혁
◾ 커넥티드카 플랫폼에서의 다양한 콘텐츠 서비스 제공 및 차량 연동에 최적화된 보안 프레임워크 기술개발, (주)디지캡, 2014.11.~2015.04.박종혁
◾ 국고보조금제도 개선방안 연구, 한국조세재정연구원, 2014.09.~2015.01.박종혁
◾ 스마트디바이스에서 웹 플랫폼 서비스를 위한 Thin Client 용 하이브리드 전송 프로토콜, 산학협력단, 2014.08.~2014.11.박종혁
◾ APT 공격의 동적 대응을 위한 다양한 분석기법 및 방안 연구, 한국전자통신연구원, 2014.07.~2014.12.박종혁
◾ 개인 정보 보호를 위한 잊혀질 권리 시스템, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.01.박종혁
◾ 감성UX 지원을 위한 감성정보처리 기술 연구, 한국연구재단, 2014.03.~2015.02.박종혁
◾ VCC기반의 무결성을 제공하는 블랙박스 서비스 모델, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.01.박종혁
◾ 저작물 전송관련 로그 정보의 신뢰성 제공을 위한 저작권 기술 연구 개발, 한국콘텐츠진흥원, 2013.07.~2013.12.박종혁
◾ 음성인식 기법을 활용한 스마트폰의 Voice Locker 설계 및 프로토타입 구현, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.박종혁
◾ 퍼블릭클라우드환경에서 가상화 보안 모델링 연구, 한국정보화진흥원, 2012.06.~2012.12.박종혁
◾ 모바일 클라우드 환경을 위한 신뢰 컴퓨팅 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.08.박종혁
◾ IT멘토링 팀 프로젝트 지원과제(웹 서비스 취약점 분석을 위한 모의해킹 및 방어 기법 연구), 정보통신산업진흥원, 2012.05.~2012.12.박종혁
◾ 웹 서비스 취약점 분석을 위한 개선된 모의해킹 및 방어 기법 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.02.박종혁
◾ 2단계 공학교육혁신센터지원사업, 한국산업기술진흥원, 2012.03.~2013.02.박종혁
◾ USN 기반 스마트 생장 관리 시스템 보안 기술 연구, 한국전자통신연구원, 2011.10.~2012.01.박종혁
◾ 신뢰성 있는 안드로이드 운영체제를 위한 보안 프레임워크 개발, 한국연구재단, 2011.09.~2014.08.박종혁
◾ IT멘토링 팀 프로젝트 지원 과제, 정보통신산업진흥원, 2011.05.~2011.11.박종혁
◾ Networked-Camera 기술개발 동향 분석, 한국전자통신연구원, 2010.08.~2010.12.박종혁
◾ 개인 정보 보호를 위한 보안 USB 메신저, 한국정보산업연합회, 2010.04.~2010.12.박종혁
◾ USN모듈을 이용한 지능형 노트북 도난 방지 시스템, 한국정보산업연합회, 2010.04.~2010.12.박종혁
◾ 스마트폰에서의 정보 보안 강화를 위한 실시간 감시 시스템, 한국정보산업연합회, 2010.04.~2010.12.박종혁
◾ 유비쿼터스 상거래를 위한 전자ID 지갑 시스템, 한국정보산업연합회, 2010.04.~2010.12.박종혁
◾ 모바일 환경에서 안전하고 효율적인 경량화된 디바이스 인증·인가·과금 기술 연구, 한국연구재단, 2009.07.~2010.06.박종혁
◾ Integrating Machine Learning, Blockchain, and Multi-ac cess Edge Computing for Enhanced V2X communication Security, Best Paper Award (MUE2024), Korea Computer Industry Association(KCIA), 2024박종혁
◾ A DRL Approach to Android Ransomware Detection for Supervised Problems, Best Paper Award (CUTE2023), KIPS-CSWRG, 2023박종혁
◾ Blockchain-driven Physical Unclonable Devices using Chaotic Circuits for IoT Security in Smart City, Best Paper Award (WITC2023), KIPS CSWRG, 2023박종혁
◾ 2021년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교, 2022박종혁
◾ QAOA: A Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Base Station Selection in 6G networks and Beyond, The Best Paper Award (CSA 2022), 한국정보처리학회, 2022박종혁
◾ BDT: Blockchain and Digital Twins-based Secure Framework for Efficient Data Processing in Smart Manufacturing, The Best Paper Award (BIC 2022), 한국정보처리학회, 2022박종혁
◾ Smart Contract-Based Secure Multi-Party Computation for Cloud Privacy Preserving, Best Paper Award (WITC2022), KIPS-CSWRG, 2022박종혁
◾ Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm for Sustainable Smart Logistics System, Best Paper Award (CSA2021), KIPS-CSWRG, 2021박종혁
◾ 2020년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2020년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2021박종혁
◾ Secret Sharing based computation privacy for IoT, Best Paper Award (BIC2021), KIPS-CSWRG, 2021박종혁
◾ Distributed Quantum-Cloud Approach based on Blockchain for Future Smart City, Best Paper Award, KIPS-CSWRG, 2020박종혁
◾ 2019년도 연구분야 우수교원, 2019년도 연구분야 우수교원 표창, 서울과학기술대학교 산학협력단, 2020박종혁
◾ OTP-based Cloud System Architecture for Secure Data Transmission, Best Paper Award (BIC 2020), KIPS CSWRG, 2020박종혁
◾ A Distributed SDN Architecture for 5G, Best Paper Award (CSA 2019), KIPS CSWRG, 2019박종혁
◾ A Reliable Data Collection Architecture for Cyber Threat Intelligence, Best Paper Award (BIC 2019), KIPS CSWRG, 2019박종혁
◾ Reliable Blockchain based Stochastic Game System, Best Paper Award (FutureTech 2019), KIPS CSWRG, 2019박종혁
◾ Clustering Based Blockchain for Efficient Management and Production Smart Farming System, Best Paper Award (BIC 2018), KIPS CSWRG, 2018박종혁
◾ A Fog Computing-based Automotive Data Overload Protection System with Real-Time Analysis, Best Paper Award (MUE 2018), KIPS CSWRG, 2018박종혁
◾ 효율적인 차량 환경을 위한 딥 러닝 기반의 음성인식 상품구매 시스템, 우수논문상, 한국정보처리학회, 2017박종혁
◾ A Blockchains based Architecture for Scalable IoT Network, Best Paper Award (FutureTech 2017), KIPS CSWRG, 2017박종혁
◾ 스마트홈의 인증 기술 분석 및 서비스 모델제안, 우수논문상, 한국정보처리학회, 2017박종혁
◾ i-SHSS : An IoT based Smart Home Security System, Best Paper Award (CUTE 2016), KIPS CSWRG, 2016박종혁
◾ Certificateless based public key infrastructure using a hierarchical identifier, Best Paper Award, KIPS CSWRG, 2015박종혁
◾ HBSS-MCC: A Human Behavior based Smartphone Security System in Mobile Cloud Computing, Best Paper Award, KIPS CSWRG, 2015박종혁
◾ AER-ULTS: Audio Emotion Recognition-based User location tracking System, Best Paper Award, KIPS CSWRG, 2015박종혁
◾ AER-LT Model: User location tracking model based on audio emotion recognition, Best Paper Award, FUTURE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION(FTRA), 2014박종혁
◾ 교내연구우수교수상, 교내연구우수교수상(2013학년도), 산학협력단, 2014박종혁
◾ A Novel GPGPU Architecture with Reorder Buffer, Best Paper(The FTRA 2014 International Conference on Advanced IT, engineering and Management(AIM-14), FUTURE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION(FTRA), 2014박종혁
◾ Rhythm-Based Authentication Schme on Smart Devices, Best Paper(The 2014 FTRA FCC-2014), FUTURE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION(FTRA), 2014박종혁
◾ Jam Management Processing for Manufacturing System in the Cloud, Best Paper(The 2013 FTRA International Conference on Advanced IT, engineering and Management(AIM-13), FUTURE TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH ASSOCIATION(FTRA), 2013박종혁
◾ A Virtualization Security Framework for public Cloud Computing, Best paper Award(4th FTRA International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications CSA-12), Future Technology Research Association(FTRA), 2012박종혁
◾ MIB-Itrace-CP: An Improvement of ICMP-Based Traceback Efficiency in Network Forensic Analysis, Best Paper Award(4th FTRA International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications CSA-12), Future Technology Research Association(FTRA), 2012박종혁
◾ The partial Digital Evidence Disclosure in Respect to the Instant Messaging Embedded in Viber Applic, Best Paper(4th FTRA International Conference on Information Technology Convergence and Services 2012, Future Technology Research Association(FTRA), 2012박종혁
◾ Best Paper Award(5th FTRA International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering), Future Technology Research Association International, 2011박종혁
기타(학회활동 등)
-한국정보기술학회 (KIIT),
-International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC),
-IEICE Society, Member,
-IEEE Computer Society,
-한국정보보호학회 (KIISC),

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